
Background info

The Revolutionary Student Movement, student front of Toronto’s Proletarian Revolutionary Action Committee, aims to promote a revolutionary communist politics among students and youth and fight capitalist oppression in all of its forms. We came together in 2011. We started off at the University of Toronto, but are now in the process of moving beyond the university campus. In less than one year, we were able to connect with, and learn from, Montreal’s Revolutionary Student Movement (MER-PCR). We also held half a dozen communist school nights, where we explained concepts basic to revolutionary communism to each other, as well other interested people in attendance. Notable topics include student movements, proletarian feminism, and sexuality.

The RSM does workshops that focus on practical skills such as stenciling, and poster and image design; we take part in internal education with the rest of PRAC to enrich our understanding of the world; we also help organize protests and rallies, and participate in marches.

You can read about us in-depth below.

Our aims

We are dedicated to social investigation, which means figuring out what the concrete circumstances affecting a population are. This could mean the issues affecting high school students, such as having little or no political power. We plan to use our research to launch student campaigns. The goal is to connect the struggles youth face in Canada with struggles faced by youth all around the world.

We are dedicated to education. Education is key in order to develop a communist culture and practice in Toronto youth. To this end, we intent to host more communist schools nights, discussing issues of relevance, or interest, to youth and students. To view last year’s complete syllabus, please click here.

We strive to offer a real alternative to the liberalism, revisionism and reformism that currently paralyzes youth and student movements in Toronto and beyond. Our website provides analyses of current events that offer real life examples of liberalism, revisionism, and reformism. Click around to read more.

We are also committed to connecting class politics to race, gender and sexuality.


We are currently organizing a multi-city conference with the intention of connecting revolutionary students from Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and New York. To read more about this conference, please visit here.

We are also working on a project called the “100 Schools Campaign”. The plan is to reach out to high-school students of proletarian backgrounds. Posters and details are now up here.


To find out more about us, and/or join us, contact revolutionarystudentsto[at]gmail[dot]com

One response to “About

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