Revolutionaries shut down Men’s Rights Activists event at the University of Toronto

Comrades from the Revolutionary Student Movement, the Proletarian Feminist Front, and the Proletarian Revolutionary Action Committee confronted reactionary Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs) as they gathered to spread their message of misogyny this past Tuesday at the University of Toronto.

MRAs, organized under the dubiously-named “Canadian Association For Equality” were completely unprepared for the opposition they must inevitably face. After facing the organized resistance of the comrades, who disrupted the meeting by shouting slogans, heckling, and singing “The Internationale”, the MRAs disbanded their meeting and attempted to relocate and reconvene. The comrades pursued them, again forcing an end to their event.

After dispersing entirely, the MRAs scattered like cockroaches and found a hidden corner of the campus in which to collectively lick their wounds. Laughably, they have even attempted to use this fact as evidence that their event was not shut down!

The emergence of Men’s Rights Activists, who attempt to paint feminism as the source of men’s “oppression” and “declining status” – is a trend which must be curtailed. From rape apologism to the stalking, harassment and threatening of feminist activists, MRAs have revealed that they are more interested in being the enemies of women than anything else.

This is another in a series of examples where organized resistance to Men’s Rights reaction is met with overwhelming success. They demonstrate time and again that they are incapable of holding firm in the face of opposition. A cowardly politics gives rise to cowardly behaviour, and with resolution and organization we can drive this anti-people ideology into the dustbin of history!

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